There is a place in the green and poetical Sardinia whose bauty, emotion and unlimited wellbeing is not possibile to describe. The Agriturismo is an excellent base for walking tours in a wonderful region. The zone of Alà dei Sardi allow their visitors to enjoy the different kinds of beauty, offering the opportunity of walking along the delightful naturalistic routes, go trekking, go on excursions through various nuraghic villages and on the surrounding mountains.
Located at 700mt above sea level, surrounded by an area rich in natural and archaeological sites, the zone of Alà dei Sardi, allows visitors to appreciate the various kinds of beauty, offering the opportunity of walking along amazing naturalistic routes, go trekking, go on excursions through various nuraghic villagesand on the surrounding mountains.
Recommended trips:
The granite quarries;
The Sanctuary of S,Reparata;
The wood and granite carving staues;
The “Domus de Janas;
The nuraghes;
The faunistic and floral areas with wild boars and mouflons.
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