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Christmas in Sicily: Visit Siracusa and Palazzolo

Offers not to be missed in Italy

Visita Etna 2025 Agriturismo Case Perrotta
Catania € 80.00
Soggiorno indimenticabile Pantelleria Luxury Hotel
Trapani € 115.00
Escursioni in gommone Favignana Levanzo Marettimo
Trapani € 60.00

Holiday in Sicily and Christmas in Syracuse and Palazzolo (beautifull little city of province Syracuse)

How to arrive at Palazzolo Acreide
From Catania (about 90 Km ) - Driving the SS.114 till Syracuse, then get onto the SS.114 la called "Mare-Monti"
From Syracuse (about 38 Km) - Driving the SS.114 the "Mare-Monti"
From Ragusa (about 40 Km) - Driving the SS:194 till Giarratana and continue on the SS.124.
The airport - that of Catania is the nearest Catania.
The railway station: that of Syracuse is the nearest.

Palazzolo rises to the east of the old Akrai, one of the tresubcolonie founded by the Dori of Syracuse in the 664 B.C. The site of Akrai,on the flat summit hill Acremonte, was chosen in a first moment for military movites, seing its strategie position dominating on the southern boundaries of Syracuse and that of southeast of Sicily, then slowly it became an important economic centre. The most interesting remains of the urban monumentals of Akrai are the Greek theatre,

the Bouluterion, the stone quarry engraved in big and small with the catacombs, the podium of the Afrodite temple, the sanctuary rupestre di Cibele ("Santoni") hermits the feral temples ("santicello"), the Hellenistic-roman street "decuman" of the city.
Akrai was destroyed by the Arabs in 827.In began to rise its new name of Palazzolo (in 1862 came addeb the patronymic Acreide) after the year 1000 on the lower part of the hill, where around the 1200 a castle was also buided.The devasting earthquake of the 1693, that at Palazzolo left 700 victims, besides the mediaevale castle, it destoyed houses, palaces and churches. The rebuilding that has follwed for the palaces and churches was marked to baroque, a typology of baroque that in the Iblei assumed particular features.

Monuments and places to visit in Palazzolo
Besides the archaeologist area and the ruins of the castle in which above are desribed, are worthed an accurate visit the following places and monumentts: the house museum of the Iblea country culture, founded bu Anonino Uccello in 1972.The pubblic garden projected and builded in 1880 with the contribute of the baron Vincenzo Messina di Bibbia, the monumenta cemery, the Garibaldi stret with its various palaces, among them Ferla palace and Judica-Caruso palace with its long balcony with brachets and masks. The main street Vittorio Emauele with other interesting palaces and in particular the Judica palce and the Pizzo palace.The most interesting churches from the artistic vision are the Annunciation church,Our Mother' s church, St.Paul' s church,St.Antony's church of the Capuchin, St. Michael' s church, The Immaculate' s church (were inside there' s exposed "Our Lady With the baby Francesco Laurana), St. Sebastian' s church in People' s square.


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