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Itineraries Ancona, History


Holidays and Itineraries Ancona, history

The foundation of Ancona (whose origins trace back to the Bronze Age) dates back to the 4th century b.C. and it was made by the Greeks. At the entrance of the Port one can admire Traiano’s Arch (100 – 105 a.C.), an imposing testimony of its importance during Rome Empire. The city preserves many important monuments such as the S. Ciriaco Cathedral and Vanvitelli’s Mole (1731) built for defensive and sanitary purpose, now featuring exhibitions. Don’t miss visiting the Pinacoteca, that preserves important paintings of Crivelli, Guercino, Lorenzo Lotto, Cassinari, Trubbiani and the National Archaeological Museum of Marche.
Loreto is worldwide famous as a Holy Town. According to the legend the Holy House (where Jesus lived in Nazareth) was miraculously carried here by angels and put down on a green hill of laurels, which the name of the town is derived from. Today this attractive town encircled by 16th century Walls, is one of the main pilgrimage destinations in the world after Lourdes. The Dome of the Sanctuary was erected by Vanvitelli. The craftsmanship of the area is various and precious.
This town is strictly linked to the name of the poet Giacomo Leopardi who made it famous through his poetry, suggesting the route to visit the town. In Leopardi Palace (18th Cent.), the poet’s native house, one can admire his daily objects, handwritten manuscripts and the ancient library. From the house one can reach the Mount Tabor, the “Colle dell’Infinito” immortalised in a poem. The Museum of Beniamino Gigli (internationally renowned opera singer born in Recanati) preserves stage costumes, photos and relics of the great tenor. In the Pinacoteca (picture gallery) it is possible to admire famous masterpieces painted by Lorenzo Lotto.
Macerata was built in the Middle Ages by populations escaping Barbarians invasions on a hill close to the Roman Municipium of Helvia Recina (today an Archaeological Site). It is the centre of a prestigious university that dates back to the 16th century, the heart of the town is the main square Piazza della Libertà with Prefettura Palace, that preserves some 13th Cent. elements, the Renaissance Merchants Loggia designed by Cassiano da Fabriano (16th Cent.), the Clock Tower (1663) and the Lauro Rossi theatre (18th Cent.). In Ricci Palace, the museum of Italian Art of the XX Cent., one can find fine works of art by De Chirico, Morandi, Guttuso, Scipione and Pannaggi. Last but not least, the Arena Sphaeristerium: a valuable neoclassical building in Palladian Style where various musical entertainments like Musicultura and an internationally renowned OPERA SEASON are carried out every summer. Stately but harmonious this arena assures excellent acoustics and perfect visibility to the audience.
This beautiful medieval borgo (village) is characterized by an imposing defensive “Rocca” (a fortress of the 12th century) that encircles it, which still preserves clearly visible walls, two doors and a fortified tower. A rich Archaeological Park of the Roman colony of Urbs Salvia is situated in the valley at the foot of the town. It preserves a theatre, traces of walls and streets, a temple, part of an aqueduct and a remarkable amphitheatre still employed for a open-air Theatre Summer Season. A short distance away rises the Nature Reserve of CHIARAVALLE DI FIASTRA ABBEY: a wonderful Cistercians monastic complex (12th Cent.) encircled by an ancient and extended native forest (100 ha).
This dynamic industrial town preserves many traces of its ancient origins. In its beautiful centre one can admire the Basilica of San Nicola (13th Cent.), the Sangallo Palace (with its Museum of the Caricature), the Clocks Tower (16th Cent.), the Romanesque Church of the Charity (now transformed into an auditorium), St. Catervo's sarcophagus (one of the most important documents of Paleochristian art), the Parisani-Bezzi Palace (famous because it gave hospitality to Napoleon) and the Devil’s Bridge (13th Cent.). Not too far from the centre one can visit Rancia Castle (1357), seat of historical festivals and musical events every year.
It was formerly the seat of an illustrious Georgic Academy that was in the vanguard of agricultural experimentation. Remarkable is the public square Piazza della Repubblica, with the peculiar Priori Palace, as well as the city walls with their medieval doors. From there one can enjoy the beautiful view of the green and sweet countryside around, studded with medieval monasteries and fortresses. Every year in Treia an interesting historical festival (the “Disfida del Bracciale”) takes place in August. Noteworthy is the nearby ancient Abbey of Rambona.
This panoramic “borgo” of the inland has linked its name to the famous aromatic white wine of Marche, Verdicchio. The town retains some notable medieval and renaissance monuments such as Pretorio Palace (1270), Ottoni’ s Loggia (1511), Piersanti Palace (16th Cent.), the medieval doors opening onto the city walls, the small Piermarini Theatre (projected by the famous architect who designed La Scala in Milan) Mattei main public Square with its 17th Cent. fountain. Visitors can enjoy guided tasting tours and thus discover and appreciate local products.
It is called “Balcony of the Marche” because of the beautiful view this town has of the whole territory around, from the mountains to the sea. Cingoli is a fine typical “borgo” rooted on Mount Cingulum, it is a holiday spot renowned for the climate, the woods that surround it (crossed by tracks for mountain-bike) and its lake (equipped for aquatic sports). The town still has almost intact town-walls. Noteworthy are also the Archaeological Museum, the Townhall, the Romanesque-Gothic Church Sant’ Esuperanzio (12th Cent.), the Pinacoteca (that preserves a painting of Lorenzo Lotto) and the peculiar Museum of Sidecar.
This nice town earned the name of “Balcony of the Sibillini” because it faces the mountains of the Sibillini National Park. It is the ideal place for people keen on nature and winter sports. Moreover San Ginesio is one of the most beautiful borghi (villages) of Italy with noteworthy museums and monuments: the Ospedale di San Paolo (called the Pilgrims Hospital, 13th Cent.) with its Portico and Arcade (15th Cent.), the Collegiata (12th – 15th Cent.), the Church of San Francesco and the Walls which are a peculiar mixture of Romanesque and Gothic styles. In the summer time don’t miss the historical festivals of Palio and La Fornarina.
The town looks really medieval. Its historical centre is an almost intact example of “castrum”: a fortified town whose narrow alleys come down in spiral shape from the higher public square, with “cotto” buildings tightened one to the other, the city walls and their doors. Many works of art are preserved in the Public Library and the Pinacoteca. Moreover there are three interesting museums: the one of the Fire-arms, the Museum of the Hammers and the Birds one. Sarnano territory borders on the National Park of Sibillini Mountains and it is the right place both for winter sports and summer holidays. The town is a renowned thermal centre.
Ussita is situated in a valley between the mountains of the National Park of Sibillini. It has an equipped winter and summer resort with many recreational and sport facilities (ice-rink palace, mini-golf, swimming pool, ski-slopes). In the surrounding countryside there are many precious Romanesque and Gothic churches, old fortresses and watch-towers all around. Don’t miss visiting the Sanctuary of Madonna di Macereto which rises solitary and evocative on a nearby plateau (at the height of 1000 meters above sea level) and the picturesque borghi of Visso and Castelsantangelo sul Nera.
