Vacanze in Sicilia un sogno per molti.
From Balestrino to Albenga
A secondary street leads to Balestrino, whose feudal origins are denoted by a manor from the sixteenth century (later destroyed and rebuilt). A while later, one reaches the farming village of Toirano, which was erected at the intersection between two largely craggy valleys, and where the famous caverns are to be found, which may be visited throughout the year and are worth seeing for their extraordinary natural beauty and paleontological importance. From Borghetto to Santo Spirito, the via Aurelia leads to the Western Riviera's major historic site; the town of Albenga.
Together with Sarzana, the Albenga plain produces the richest cultivations of vegetables, fruit, and flowers in Liguria, which are the mainstay of Albenga's economy. The town's rich agricultural production may be appreciated through its local cuisine, which is based on vegetables (one of Albenga's claims to fame are its artichokes and violet asparagus) that are seasoned with the olive oil that is produced in the area's vast olive groves.
Along with Albenga's thriving economy, this stretch of coastline also boasts a warm hospitality towards visitors, and, both the larger and smaller villages nestled within the valleys that converge on the plain, offer a simple, yet sincere, welcome to those who stop by for a visit. These valleys offer an interesting array of landscapes: along their crisscrossing paths and roads, one may admire the starkly imposing outlines of the Merula Valley; the grassy fields, and the terraced hills of the Lerrone Valley; and the sharp peaks of the Neva Valley and its ancient Medieval villages, which are well preserved and where silence reigns supreme. The lands surrounding the area of Albenga abound with the historic remains of its distinguished Medieval past, which saw the potentate of the Clavesana family in the twelfth century, followed by that of the Del Carretto Marquises in the subsequent century.
Castles, forts, and crenellated towers abound, as well as modern facilities that support the local economy and furnish entertainment opportunities, such as the Garlenda 18-hole golf course and the Villanova International Airport, from which tourist flights take off daily.